Proposal of Digital Triplet Manufacturing Systems

Proposal of Digital Triplet Manufacturing Systems

Digitalization of Japanese manufacturing industry is getting behind that of world’s advanced industries. For changing this situation, this research proposes “digital triplet,” which realizes digitalization of manufacturing systems with making full use of strengths of Japanese manufacturing industry and ability of on-site manufacturing system engineers. Digital triplet also aims to support all engineering activities throughout product life cycles in an integrated manner. We are now trying to develop this framework, construct a learning factory based on this concept, and draw application scenarios. This research progresses in the form of industry-government-academia collaboration. Companies are welcome to join.




Research on Life Cycle Design

This research studies visions of manufacturing that contributes to the realization of sustainable society.
Stimulated by EU’s Circular Economy policy package, it is increasingly required to realize circular manufacturing, including long life and remanufacturing, that is economically feasible and driven by the digital transformation. We believe that appropriate circular manufacturing can be realized only when it is well designed and properly managed. To realize such circular manufacturing, this research proposes “life cycle design” methodology that designs business strategy, circulation of products, and products in an integrated manner.





Yasushi Umeda


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